Your wellbeing in our care

Our promise 'OppWorks Cares' underpins the caring spirit of our brand and guides our unrelenting efforts to ensure your wellbeing.

As part of our ongoing efforts to create a trusted and nurturing environment for you, 
we have embraced a series of safety standards and precautionary measures across our training centres.

This includes additional cleaning routines for each training centre, 
  • Cleaning of student workstations before and after each use
  • Redesign of student study areas to support social distancing, 
  • Removing shared resources to minimise risk of infection, and
  • Increased use of video invigilation and coaching tools for our colleagues.

Individual precautionary measures may vary by location. 
Please refer to in-centre guidance.

Our Community

We care deeply about the communities in which we live and work; and believe everyone is entitled to achieve career success.

Our teams are engaged in different community support initiatives to assist people in need to adapt their careers.

Through the pandemic our 'Teaching the Nation to Type' initiative  supported many young people with disrupted education programmes and our 'Bounce Back Bursary' programme has provides direct financial assistance for those facing financial hardship.

Our World

Opportunities Workshop is fully committed to minimising the footprint of our activities on the world around us.

This is reflected in our use of digital technologies, sustainable product sourcing for physical assets, minimining the carbon footprint of our travel plans, and supporting our students to do the same.

Our Chelmsford campus offers bicycle parking and charging points for battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.