Carbon Footprint Calculation, Reduction, and Reporting

£ 2999.00

Master the intricacies of carbon footprint calculation, auditing, and reporting. Gain in-demand skills to align with global and regional regulations, driving your organisation's sustainability initiatives while ensuring compliance.

This comprehensive course equips professionals to lead in today's eco-conscious corporate landscape.

Course delivery is via 10 modules with live online workshops, practical assignments and coaching support to ensure mastery of this topic.

Module 1: Introduction to Carbon Footprinting
1. Definition of Carbon Footprint
2. Importance of Measuring and Managing Carbon Emissions
3. Overview of Global Climate Change and the Role of Carbon Emissions

Module 2: Basics of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Accounting
1. Introduction to GHG Gases and Global Warming Potential (GWP)
2. Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions: Definitions and Differences
3. Tools and Resources for GHG Accounting

Module 3: Calculating an Organisation's Carbon Footprint
1. Data Collection Methods and Best Practices
2. Converting Data to Carbon Equivalents
3. Assessing Direct and Indirect Emissions
4. Handling Uncertainties and Data Gaps

Module 4: Carbon Auditing and Quality Assurance
1. Principles of Auditing Carbon Data
2. Internal vs. External Audits
3. Data Verification Techniques
4. Addressing and Correcting Errors

Module 5: Strategies for Carbon Reduction
1. Overview of Carbon Reduction Techniques
2. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions
3. Sustainable Supply Chain Management
4. Employee Engagement and Behaviour Change

Module 6: Reporting Emissions in Line with Statutory Requirements
1. UK Reporting Requirements
  - Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)
  - Climate Change Act and Carbon Budgets
2. EU Reporting Requirements
  - European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
  - Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Reporting Regulation
3. US Reporting Requirements
  - EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP)
  - State-specific Regulations and Best Practices
4. Global Reporting Standards and Frameworks
  - The Greenhouse Gas Protocol
  - Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
  - Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards

Module 7: Best Practices in Carbon Reporting and Communication
1. Transparency and Credibility in Reporting
2. Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Strategies
3. Using Carbon Reporting as a Competitive Advantage

Module 8: Case Studies and Hands-on Exercises
1. Analysing Real-world Examples of Organisations' Carbon Reports
2. Group Activities: Calculate a Mock Organisation’s Carbon Footprint
3. Role-playing: Auditing a Carbon Footprint Report

Module 9: Future Trends and Continuous Learning
1. Evolving Regulations and Standards
2. Technological Advancements in Carbon Accounting and Reporting
3. Strategies for Staying Updated in the Field

Module 10: Examination and Certification
1. Review of Key Concepts
2. Written Examination
3. Practical Assignment: Carbon Footprint Calculation and Reporting 
4. Feedback and Certification

Post-Course Support:
1. Access to Online Resources and Tools
2. Quarterly Webinars on Updates in Regulations and Best Practices
3. Alumni Networking Opportunities

Upon completion of this comprehensive training programme, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to calculate, audit, reduce, and report their organisation's carbon footprint in line with statutory requirements in the UK, EU, US, and globally.

They will be confident in undertaking these tasks on behalf of their organisation and will have a strong foundation to continue their professional development in the field.

Category Sustainability