Getting your CV right

A good CV gives potential employers a snapshot of who you are and what you’ve accomplished. Our course advisors are experts in CV preparation. This eBook has our top tips on how to get your CV right!

Ultimate LinkedIn Guide

There’s no better place to connect with business professionals or to find jobs to apply to than on LinkedIn. With three people being hired through LinkedIn every minute, it’s now more important than ever to make sure you are ready to apply to jobs with a profile that stands out.

Effective Training Skills

For some, taking an adult learning course can be a daunting proposition,
especially if you’ve been away from education for a while. However, you really
have nothing to fear. As we get older – and wiser – we develop a range of
effective training skills that can help us accomplish almost anything we put
our minds to.

Job-Seeking Skills

It seems job seekers have had the same list of critical skills to brush
up on for decades - things like careful follow-up, attention to grammar
and punctuation, and great listening abilities. But in today’s overcrowded
job market and with the ever-increasing pressures on hiring managers,
job applicants have had to hone their skills for success.

Effective Portfolios

When applying for a creative career, employers will usually expect you to
present a portfolio of work that showcases your talent and potential. In fact, a
well-articulated and polished portfolio can be just as valuable as a well-written CV when applying for these roles because it gives potential employers a detailed look at your abilities. Remember, an out-of-date and irrelevant portfolio can lead to an interview disaster.